Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sabar ye Fizaa :)

Im bored and feel like want to talk about politics. hikhik(annoying tak?)
Okay first of all I hate politics, I mean I would never involve myself in it and if in one day, peoples around me talk anything about politics, it spoiled my day. I used to love listen my parents' and friends' views on politics discussion when im in my sekolah menengah. I believe that most of Malaysians now are against government, including my closed ones. I rarely meet somebody that really support government. Eventhough I believe in those against gov more than the gov, I believe in Allah more than anything. What I mean is that, no matter what religion we are, what political views we trust and what race we are, (we are One Malaysia) HAHHAHA no, I mean, we trust in God. And as a muslim, of course we trust in Allah. I dont know why peoples scratching each others face just because of they did something wrong. Peoples made mistakes. I know that some may say that they did mistakes on purpose whatsoever. But JUST LEAVE THE JUDGEMENTS TO ALLAH. If they did that just on purpose, what can we do? can we ask her/him to appologize? We cant change a thing. All we can do is pray to Allah for them to open their eyes and heart and appologize to Allah. Then, another thing is believe in bad rumors that we dont know whether it is true or not. Please just do some research first before spreading such rumors and before spitting it on my face! And she is in opposite political views from me, haishh Sabar je

Okay, sooo in the long run, I would like to say(ehem) that we may have different views from the others, but before you judge people, look at yourself first. Assalamualaikum! :)

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